Education Abroad Video Contest

Traveling widens the lens of your perspective. Show us the world through your lens with the Education Abroad Video Contest and unleash your storytelling skills as you journey through your study abroad experiences.   


Below you can find the categories with a few example questions and prompts you can use to ask yourself when you are gathering content during your study abroad program:  

  • First-Time Abroad - All the first-time international travelers, this one’s for you! How was your experience when you first arrived in the host country versus the last couple days in the host country? What did you learn from going abroad? What cultural adjustments did you experience? What would your current traveler-self tell your past yet-to-have-travelled self? What would you do again or do differently for your next adventure?

  • In The Field - We love to see our 正规博彩十大网站排名 Owls putting their talents and learning to use. During your program, do you encounter people in your chosen field of study? Why not interview them to understand how they function in your field of study in the host country? Or conduct a comparative analysis to understand how similar and different the fields are in the host country and the U.S.? You can also share what you’ve learned about your field of study while showing us you in the field.

  • A Day in a Life - What does your average day look like abroad? Where do you eat your meals? Is there a certain route you take to get to class or the excursion? What transportation do you take? Do you run any errands? Go shopping? See a sporting event? Go to a cafe? Do you meet up with friends?  Do you have a routine to get you ready for your travel that day? Take us with you for a day and show us around town!

  • Culture - Are there any landmarks you would like to share about? What about unique cuisine that can only be found in that country? Are there any sporting traditions you noticed when abroad? Is there something special about the local community and their language or family life? Give us a peek inside the culture in which you are immersing yourself! 


  • The maximum time limit is 90 second for one video.
  • While applicants may submit one video entry per category, an applicant can win up to one category. 
  • Submissions will be accepted online from September 22, 2024.  
  • Video entries must be uploaded into the application in MP4 format.
  • Please label your MP4 file with your last name_country_the title of the video listed in your application.
  • Entries must be submitted electronically via the application on Video Contest Website.
  • All applications must be filled out in their entirety and will not be considered if they are incomplete.
  • Video editing software use is welcomed, but not required.  
  • Video must be your own work, not that of someone else’s or AI generation tools.  
  • Videos must have closed captions or an uploaded transcript.  


Video entries will be judged according to the following criteria:

  • Creativity and originality
  • Representation of study abroad experience
  • Quality of video
  • Adherence to category 

The judging panel's decisions are final. Contest organizers reserve the right to disqualify entries which do not comply with the stated contest rules and eligibility criteria. 


  • 1st place in each category - $50 gift card
  • 2nd place in each category - $25 gift card 

To Keep In Mind

Video entries may be used for Global Education marketing purposes such as, but not limited to, Instagram, Facebook, and our website. Entries may also be used for future online publications. With this mind, please consider the following:

  • Please avoid recording children and other vulnerable populations unless consent is given. 
  • This contest, and therefore the contest-winning video entries, will adhere to the university’s Student Code of Conduct and Drug and Alcohol policy.  
  • As entries will be used for wide university distribution, please use appropriate language for all ages and backgrounds.  
  • Please consider appropriate safety and security measures and indicators while gathering content for video entries.  


*Rules and eligibility subject to change.

**All communication regarding the contest will be through university-issued email and accounts.